
We think twice about

Because our future matters.
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Check your screen time!

Check Your Screen Time

How often are you on your phone? Check out your current screen habits and learn how to reconnect to your surroundings. 

Check Your Habits
It's your future, after all. Own it.

We Think Twice™ is a movement designed with teens, for teens, with tools and resources to help you make healthy decisions, set goals, manage money, improve leadership skills, look out for your mental health, and resist peer pressure. We’re here to help you focus on what drives you.

Know The

Find resources and tools to help you resist peer pressure, form healthy relationships, and achieve your goals. 

Start the conversation. (Image shows two femme people hugging)

How to Talk about Mental Health

Talking about your mental health with adults might seem awkward or difficult at times. Follow these tips to help start the conversation!

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Text reads, "Success is..." with rotating images of young people playing sports, directing movies, and playing music.

What Does Success Mean to You?

When people think of "success", they often think of money or fame. But success comes in many forms! Take this quiz to identify what success means to you.

Take the Quiz
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Who We Are

We Think Twice amplifies the voice of this generation. We are a movement designed with teens for teens to promote healthy decision-making.

Learn About Our Movement