
Goal Setting

Teens who finish high school are more prepared to live their best lives as adults—whether that means supporting a family, inventing the next big thing, or traveling the world. Discover resources to help you set and achieve your goals.

Fear of Failure

Guide to Successful Failures

We all fail. What matters is what we do next. Get inspiration from teens who have bounced back and find questions to help you reflect on and reframe your relationship with failure.

Get Inspiration!
Text reads, "Success is..." with rotating images of young people playing sports, directing movies, and playing music.

What Does Success Mean to You?

When people think of "success", they often think of money or fame. But success comes in many forms! Take this quiz to identify what success means to you.

Take the Quiz!
Students in woodshop

Goal Setting Planner

Got big plans for the future? Use this planner to list three goals and the steps you'll take to reach them.

Download the Planner
Girl taking picture in mirror overlooking water and coast

Your Goals, Your Future

Take ownership of your future. Discover four steps you can take today to prepare for tomorrow. 

Learn the Steps
Girl on laptop looking at documents

Planning for a Better Tomorrow

How do the decisions you make today affect your financial future? Take this quiz to find out!

Take the Quiz
Boy standing with plant seed packets in hand

Living Your Best Life

Find out how to set goals and achieve your dreams!

Watch the Video
Woman dancing with headphones in.

Changemakers Playlist

This is our time. Our future. Our music. Listen to a Spotify playlist of motivational songs created by teens, for teens. We hope these songs inspire you to keep working to achieve your dreams.


In Your Words

I support people achieving their goals and living a happy life for themselves. —Briana, 18

What motivates me to reach my goals is the idea of the future. Having a job, and a home to call my own. Being free to be who I am. —Marianne, 16 

Setting Goals 

Dealing with Academic Challenges