Teens Ask the Expert: Angela Lee
Do you have questions about dating and relationships? Check out our Q&A with Angela Lee from love is respect and a panel of teens from the We Think Twice™ audience!
Teens get answers to their questions about the elements of a healthy relationship, why boundaries and trust are important, and how home life can potentially impact forming healthy relationships.
Elements of a Healthy Relationship
Setting Boundaries
The Importance of Trust
Home Life and Relationships
Teens get answers to their questions about toxic or unhealthy relationships including knowing when it's time to end a relationship, how to leave a toxic partner, and reasons people may stay with a toxic or unhealthy partner.
Knowing When it's Time to Leave
Leaving a Toxic or Unhealthy Partner
Reasons People May Stay in a Toxic or Unhealthy Relationship
Teens get answers to their questions about resolving conflict as it may come up in romantic relationships, friendships, or when coming out to your family.